Reborn Laser Clinic
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"Shape your body today"


enCurve is a safe, non-invasive solution that helps you to shape your body effectively, and that gives you visible results quickly.

enCurve utilizes a specific radiofrequency (27.12 MHz) combined with 300 Watts of power to selectively target and heat fat cells to the optimal temperature of 45 degrees Celsius to cause them to start breaking down (apoptosis). Your body will then discard them through a natural process called phagocytosis.

What advantages does enCurve have over other body contouring treatments?
* Treats wide areas
* Short session
* Not painful
* No pinching and no constricting the skin
* No touch
* Not a manual nor a mechanical treatment that is dependent on the therapist’s proper application
* Results can appear after the second session

Which areas of body can be treated?
enCurve treats multiple areas of the body such as the arms, thighs, flanks, abdomen and back.

How soon before I notice a change in my body shape?
You can start noticing a visible reduction in size after just two sessions. We recommend booking a course of 4-6 sessions (1 session every 7-10 days).

How long do the treatment sessions take?
enCurve sessions are quick and easy. The enCurve treatment is 45-60 minutes for large areas like abdomen and 30minutes for small areas.

What will I feel during the session?
enCurve users might feel a mild sensation in the treated area.